BRVGS Administration
B.S. - Mathematics Education - Virginia Tech
M.S. - Educational Leadership - Old Dominion University
In Education since 1987
BRVGS Steering Committee since 2003, named Director in 2022
Wanda Elliott
BRVGS Director - email
B.S - Environmental Science - University of Virginia
M.T. - Science Education - University of Virginia
In Education since 2003
With BRVGS since 2007
Sallie outten
Educational Technology Administrator - email
B.A. - Christian Ministries/Social Services - Grove City College
M.A. - Community Counseling - Indiana University of Pennsylvania
In Counseling since 2003
With BRVGS since 2016
B.S. - Psychology - James Madison University
In Education since 2012
With BRVGS since 2023
Beth Anne Ware
Logistics and Finance - email
Kristi bunovich
Student Services Administrator - email
School Based BRVGS Staff
9th Grade - World History I and II "Technology Through the Ages" Teachers
Fluvanna - Mr. Luke Divine - email
Goochland - Ms. Rachel Jacobsen - email
Greene - Mr. Andrew Dojack - email
Louisa - Ms. Stacy Carr - email
Madison - Mrs. Shannon Johnston - email
Nelson - Mrs. Elizabeth Knight - email
Orange - Ms. Rachel Carlton - email
10th Grade - BRVGS Advanced Placement Biology & Biotechnology Teachers
Fluvanna - Mr. Craig Conner - email
Goochland - Ms. Ashley Borgie - email
Greene - Ms. Kirsten Dexter - email
Louisa - Ms. Kathy Richardson - email
Madison - Dr. Blake Clements-Miller - email
Nelson - Mr. Lucas Hauschner - email
Orange - Ms. Megan Ellis Deviese - email
Online Courses - 11th and 12th Grades
All Schools Virtual Coordinator - Mrs. Kristi Bunovich - email
AP - Computer Science Principles - CodeHS & Dr. Paula Szalankiewicz - email
AP - Computer Science A - CodeHS & Dr. Paula Szalankiewicz - email
AP Statistics (MTH 240) - Ms. Laura Bridge - email
AP Environmental Science - Ms. Amy Richardson - email
DE - Shenandoah University: Healthcare and Humanities - Dr. Barry Penn Hollar - email
DE - UVA Engineering (ENGR 1520) - University of Virginia School of Engineering Faculty
DE - UVA Explorations in Health Care (PSHM 1010) - University of Virginia Faculty
DE - UVA Cybersecurity (IT 1010) - University of Virginia Faculty
DE - UVA Digital Technology and Communications (PSTS 1010) - University of Virginia Faculty
DE - PVCC Finite Math (VCCS MTH 165) - Dr. Paula Szalankiewicz - email
DE - Virginia Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars (VASTS) - NASA Staff & Faculty
DE - Virginia Earth System Science Scholars (VESSS) - NASA Staff & Faculty
BRVGS - Computer Science - Ms. Ashley Sigrest - email
BRVGS - Biochemistry - Dr. Cheryl Weidow - email
BRVGS - Intro to Python (Rainforest) - Mr. Jerry Reynolds - email
BRVGS - Web Design (Picasso) and Introduction to Virtual Reality - Mr. Jerry Reynolds - email
BRVGS - Introduction to Cybersecurity (Vigenere) - Mr. Jerry Reynolds - email
BRVGS - Video Game Design - Mr. Jerry Reynolds - email
BRVGS - Intro to International Relations - Ms. Laura Bridge - email
BRVGS - Multimedia Creative Writing - Ms. Lauren Taylor - email
School Based BRVGS Online Course Facilitators
Fluvanna - Penny Loughry - email
Greene - varied based on period and course
Madison - Monica Robbins - email
Nelson - Betty Bryant - email
Orange - varied based on period and course
School Based BRVGS Online Course Field Trip Coordinators
Fluvanna - Luke Divine - email
Goochland - Joe Fowler - email
Greene - Kirsten Dexter - email
Louisa - Stacy Carr - email
Madison - Shannon Johnston - email
Nelson - Elizabeth Knight - email
Orange - Jennifer Porter - email
12th Grade - Senior Advisors
Fluvanna - Mrs. Sherry Esch - email & Mr. Matt Morrison - email
Goochland - Ms. Taylor Reahard - email
Greene - Mr. Mike Patterson - email
Louisa - Mrs. Shannon King - email
Madison - Mrs. Shannon Johnston - email
Nelson - Mrs. Elizabeth Knight - email
Orange - Ms. Rachel Carlton - email & Mrs. Beth Herndon - email