BRVGS Field Trip Policy
Field Trip Permission Forms
Students and Parents - Please check with your local teacher or field trip coordinator (for online classes) if your school uses these forms
9th Grade - World History: Technology Through the Ages - Field Trip Permission Form
10th Grade - AP Biology - Field Trip Permission Form
12th Grade - Senior Capstone Project - Field Trip Permission Form
Online course field trip permission forms
Online course field trips will be organized at each school by the designated staff member below. Forms will be sent from adn should be sent to them for all field trips for BRVGS online courses.
School Based BRVGS Online Course Field Trip Coordinators
Fluvanna - Luke Divine
Goochland - Elizabeth Kuhns
Greene - Kirsten Dexter
Louisa - Stacy Carr
Madison - Beth Wilson
Nelson - Elizabeth Knight
Orange - Nick Budziszewski
Permission Form for parents picking up students from BRVGS field trips
Parents must fill out the form below if their student is NOT riding the bus back to their high school after a BRVGS field trip. Both the student’s BRVGS teacher and the high school principal must have signed the form and a picture of the form be sent to BRVGS Administrative staff at least a day before the trip for the student to be able to be picked up.