BRVGS Summer AP Biology Prep Camp

BRVGS will be holding a free, one-day summer AP Biology Prep Camp for students of the BRVGS class of 2021 at the Best Western Zion Crossroads, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Thursday, July 12th. 

Attendance at the camp is NOT required for BRVGS students.  This is a voluntary activity for students who wish to be as prepared as possible for the upcoming BRVGS AP Biology course.  Topics for the day will include an introduction to basic chemistry concepts, a review of statistical analysis processes used in the study of Biology, and help on any questions from the AP Bio Summer Work Packet.   

Parents and students must register in advance for the camp by completing the form found by clicking on BRVGS AP Biology Summer Prep amp Registration (you can also reach the form by copying this link into your browser: - please note that students MUST register no later than Monday, June 25th.

There are a limited number of slots available, so students will be accepted in order of submission for registration.  There is no cost for the day, but parents are responsible for transporting students to and from Best Western.  Students will be served a pizza lunch.  Please inform us of any student food allergies, etc., on the registration form.  You can contact BRVGS at with any questions regarding the BRVGS AP Biology Prep Camp.

BRVGS Student Writes "Outstanding Program"

BRVGS/Louisa county junior and AP Computer Science student Zachary Heidel was recogized by noational computer science organization Code HS in their "Spotlight: Outstanding Student Programs" for his recent program called "Easy Notes."  The program creates an easy-to-use, computer-based platform for note-taking and storage, and also generates review quizzes based on the notes taken.  

Code HS is a non-profit organization that promotes the skill of coding through instructional programs and outreach.  BRVGS partners with Code HS to deliver content for Advanced Placement Computer Science courses.  To see more about the "Spotlight" on Zach's program (and to try the program out), go to:  Great job, Zach!  


BRVGS Senior Expo 2018

Students from the BRVGS class of 2018 showed off the results of their internship, community service and research projects at the 12th annual BRVGS Senior Expo this past Friday, at the Orange County School Board office.  Students presented information, displays, etc., about their experiences to teams of adult evaluators, as well as to fellow students.  This was great event - huge thanks to our volunteer evaluators, to the staff at the Orange School Board office, and congratulations to the students for a great job all around!  To see pics of the event, please click on "BRVGS Senior Classes and Expo 2018 Pics."


Upcoming BRVGS 9th Grade Orientations

Welcome Parents and Upcoming 9th Graders to BRVGS! Congratulations! BRVGS looks forward to working with you all. 

Upcoming BRVGS Freshman are invited to one of the BRVGS Freshman Orientations:

  • Wednesday, July 11th, from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM, at the Best Western Zion Crossroads at 135 Wood RidgeTerrace, Zion Crossroads, VA, 22942 for Fluvanna, Goochland, and Louisa Counties.
  • Wednesday, July 18th, from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM, at the Piedmont Virginia Community College Eugene Guiseppe Center at 222 Main Street, Suite 201, Stanardsville, VA, 22973 for Greene, Madison, Nelson, and Orange Counties.
You must register to attend the orientation through BRVGS by filling out this form If your summer travel plans prevent attendance to your designated date for your county, attendance at the other orientation is allowed. You must indicate that on your form. Please note:
  • 9th grade BRVGS teachers from each school will attend the designated orientation for their county and will not attend the other orientation.
  • If attending the orientation not designated for your county, parents must provide their child's transportation to and from the Orientation. Both orientation sessions will feature the exact same content, so students should only plan to attend one.
Here are a few details concerning our Orientation:
  • First, the BRVGS Freshman Orientation is for students and teachers only. The purpose is to introduce new students to their classmates from other BRVGS districts, to provide an overview of their upcoming BRVGS WorldHistory course, to get them started with BRVGS technology, and to begin student training on some of the learning skillsspecific to BRVGS.
  • There will be a brief information session at 2:30 for parents, who wish to attend.
  • The orientation and information session are NOT mandatory. It is recommended, but NOT required.
Transportation is only provided for students attending the Orientation designated for their county:
  • Buses will leave from each local high school. Schedules to follow on our website. 
  • Parents may bring students directly and pick up students, but will need to indicate that on the above form. If transportation changes happen, please contact BRVGS at of that before the orientation. 
  • Students attending the Orientation will be expected to be at their high school no later than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time. 
  • Students MUST bring a completed and signed parent permission form with them on the day of the Orientation to board the bus. 

Here is BRVGS Parent Orientation Packet. If you would like a paper copy mailed to you, you may request that on the above form also.

Any questions may be emailed to Kristi Bunovich at


BRVGS Goes To BAMUNC (Baltimore Area Model United Nations)!

15 students from 6 different BRVGS schools participated this past weekend in our first-ever Model United Nations conference.  Students were assigned to specific countries and to committees such as the Security Council and General Assembly. They prepared for the conference by creating fact sheets for their countries and writing position papers for their committee topics.  They boarded a charter bus at 5:00 AM on Saturday and spent the entire day at Mount St. Joseph¨s High School in Baltimore, working with students from a number of other schools on topics such as nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula and next steps for the Paris climate accord.  The event was fast-paced, very intense at times, and a great experience for our students, who did a wonderful job, and were troopers throughout the long day. BRVGS is very proud of these students, and we hope to participate in more Model UN events in upcoming years.

To see pictures of the events of the Model UN, please go to: