Reminder - BRVGS Applications are due November 16th!

Parents and students are reminded that applications for the BRVGS class of 2023 are available in our member district middle schools, and that applications and teacher recommendations are due no later than the end of the school day on Friday, November 16th.  

In addition, BRVGS has posted a 5-minute video showing how to download an electronic copy of the video from our website, and briefly providing an overview of the application components.  You can access that video at:

Please contact BRVGS Director Marc Carraway at or at 434-989-3972 for any questions regarding the BRVGS application.  

BRVGS Students Take Part in STEM Challenge

On Saturday, October 20, 5 BRVGS students - Dezyire Alexander (Orange), Zach Heidel (Louisa), Sarah Lacy (Nelson), Tristan Montero (Fluvanna), and Jenna Valesquez (Greene) - woke up bright and early to travel to Roanoke Valley Governor's School for Science and Technology for the annual Shelly STEM Challenge.

Students from eight Governor’s Schools across Virginia got together and did a great job solving an industry challenge involving stormwater management and remediation, organized and sponsored by a local engineering firm (Burns & McDonnell).  

Our students represented BRVGS very well! While this event was about problem-solving and overcoming challenges in a group, the firm did award gift cards to the judge’s top two teams, with Jenna’s team placing first, and Dezyire’s team placing 2nd. BRVGS is proud of all of the students who took part in this amazing competition!

A Student's Experience at the ACLU Summer Advocacy Institute

By: Abena Sekum Appiah-Ofori, BRVGS Class of 2019

I recently got back from Washington DC where I joined 850 other teens from all around the country for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Summer Advocacy Institute. It was a really amazing experience and I wanted to let you know what we did during the week.

My favorite part of the entire Institute was getting a chance to meet teens from all around the country who have a passion for social justice. It's always nice to know that the future of civil liberties is strong, fearless, and intersectional. The program included seminars and panel sessions with lawyers, journalists, and professors who specialize in civil rights, immigration rights and more. We got to choose interactive electives to attend each day and my favorite one was where we learned about Implicit Bias, Policing, and the School to Prison Pipeline.  We also had a video seminar with Edward Snowden where he spoke to us about privacy in the digital age and what it means to say dissent is patriotic. 

We stayed at the Washington DC Hilton Hotel during our panel and seminar sessions but we also visited a ton of places around the city. We went to The National Air and Space Museum, National Museum of African American History and Culture and the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery as well as the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Korea War Veterans Memorial. We also toured Howard University, American University, George Washington University and Georgetown University. 

Towards the end of the week, we had a seminar on the  Zero Tolerance Policy from the Trump Administration that resulted in over 2,000 children being separated from their families. We were then informed that we would be meeting with our senators to advocate for separated families. We got together with our state group, there were 22 other teens from VA, and planned out what we would say to Tim Kaine while advocating for immigration rights. On the last day, each state group went to speak with their representatives. The Virginia group briefly met Tim Kaine before he went on his lunch break and we spoke to his office on the importance of bringing transparency and accountability to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and reuniting the separated families. 

After everyone spoke to their senators on family separation we had a rally on Capitol Hill, wrapping up the week with a day of actions and great memories. I have been able to gain exposure to a wide range of constitutional rights issues that I wasn't aware existed and I had the opportunity to interact with ACLU staff through lectures and classroom discussions that immersed me in the world of government, policy advocacy, and legal decision making. Thank you all who supported me to be able to attend the Institute!

Applications Open for Virginia Earth Systems Science Scholars (VESSS) Program

Over the past several years, a number of BRVGS students have participated in an amazing program of study in space-related topics offered through five Virginia colleges and NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. A similiar opportunity is now avialable that focuses on Earth System Science (Biosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, and Lithosphere).  This opportunity is now available for application by this year's juniors and seniors.

To quote from the VESSS website, "The Virginia Earth System Science Scholars (VESSS) program is an interactive on-line science, technology, engineering and mathematics learning experience highlighted by a seven-day residential summer academy at NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) in Hampton, Va. Students selected to participate in the program are immersed in NASA-related research through interaction with scientists, engineers and technologists."

Applications to the VASTS program are due by November 11th.

You can see more info regarding the application HERE and learn more about the VESSS program HERE.


BRVGS Application and Parent Information Nights

The application for admission to Blue Ridge Virtual Governor's School for the 2019-20 school year will be available starting Monday, October 1st.  Paper copies of the BRVGS application will be available in counseling centers in the Middle Schools of each of our member counties.  In addition, an electronic version of the application will be available on our website, beginning October 1st, and can be reached by clicking on "Admissions" in the navigation bar at the top of this page.

BRVGS Director Marc Carraway will be visiting each school system for parent information meetings, in which he will share information about BRVGS and the application process.  Applications will be available at those meetings. Scheduled meeting locations and times are: 

  • Fluvanna High School Library: Oct. 24th at 7:00 PM
  • Goochland High School Auditorium: Oct. 4th at 6:30 PM
  • Greene - William Monroe Middle School Library Oct. 22nd at 6:30 PM
  • Louisa Middle School Auditorium: Oct. 9th at 6:30 PM
  • Madison - Wetsel Middle School Library: Oct. 2nd at 6:00 PM
  • Nelson Middle School Library: Oct 16th at 6:00 PM
  • Orange - Locust Grove Middle School: October 8th at 6:00 PM
  • Orange - Prospect Heights Middle School: Oct 11th at 6:00 PM

Students will need to get three teacher/educator recommendations for the application.  Completed applications and recommendations will be due to counseling centers or designated individuals in your school system by Friday, November 16th. 

Please contact your local Middle School Counseling Center or BRVGS Director Marc Carraway at or at 434-989-3972 for any questions regarding the BRVGS application.