BRVGS Events this Week: September 3 - 6, 2013

The Labor Day holiday is over and Blue Ridge Virtual Governor’s School is back in the groove, with several events set for this week. Yes, it’s the infamous Blue Ridge Pizza Time once again!

Our first field trip is scheduled on Wednesday, September 4, and will bring the Computer Science students together for their 2013-2014 Kickoff at Best Western in Zion Crossroads. The juniors will meet their online facilitator and project group members, learn about technology tools, and work together in groups on programming-like tasks.

 On Thursday, September 5, Governor’s School 12th graders will convene for their Senior Kickoff. Students will examine traits for success, learn tips for effective web and presentation design, analyze sample proposals in small groups, and share information regarding the status of their own 2013-14 proposals. This field trip will also be held at Best Western in Zion Crossroads.

Additional BRVGS activities are forthcoming, so stay plugged in to our website for more information.