While many students are on school break, more than 20 Blue Ridge Virtual Governor’s School students are getting a head start on their Senior Internships this summer. The internship is a required part of the BRVGS Senior project, which also involves a research paper, website design, weekly journal, community service, oral presentation, and Exposition participation.
Some of this summer’s internships include working with:
A Virginia House of Delegates representative
UVA researchers on pancreatic cancer and cardiovascular regeneration
A civil engineer in the Virginia Department of Transportation
The Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Museum conducting research on the art collection
Robotics engineers
Archaeologists at Montpelier
A private company that helps businesses with websites and technology
An athletic trainer at VCU
The list is just a sampling of the internship opportunities undertaken this summer, and we applaud students for their initiative in getting an early start on this portion of their projects!