How can a high school junior get close enough to see how the politics REALLY work at the national level? For BRVGS/Nelson junior Sinead Nardi-White, upcoming service as a United States Senate Page for Virginia Senator Tim Kaine will be her window into the halls of power in Washington. One of only 30 students from different states to be selected to this competitive appointment, Sinead will serve as page from January 28th June 8th of this year.
According to Sinead, her duties will include “...delivering correspondence and legislative material throughout the US Capitol and Congressional offices, preparing the Senate Chamber for session, and working in the Senate chamber while the Senate is in session (assisting staff members and senators of my sponsoring senator's party).” Despite all these duties, school must go on - pages attend the Senate Page School from 6:00 AM to 9:45 AM each day as they live and work in Washington.
Sinead is “...excited to participate in this program because I will be directly witnessing what most people only get to read about on the news, like the government shutdown and the State of the Union, which are sure to be interesting to observe in the current political climate.” This is an rare opportunity and tremendous achievement for Sinead, and BRVGS is proud of her appointment as a United States Senate Page!