Amelia Puchino, a student in Ms. Holly Newman's BRVGS Greene Senior Internship class is volunteering with the Albemarle Historical Society and assisting in the annual Spirit Walk, where she is guiding tours, organizing costumes, and aiding actors. You can check out the Spirit Walk in Charlottesville on Friday Oct 27 at the Maplewood Cemetary and Saturday, Oct 28 at Court Square Cemetery from 6-8:30. She is also designing a tour of the Stanardsville Cemetary for her legacy. Amelia is interning this year with an archeologist at James Monroe's Ashlawn-Highland and crafting a 10-15 page research paper on how Presidential historic homes should adapt their interpretation (tours) based on recent archaeological findings. Amelia says, "I hope that it makes people more interested in their local history--we always get the big picture, but we don't really know much about our hometowns." Great job, Amelia.