Events This Week at BRVGS: April 8-12

Spring Break 2013 is over, and the BRVGS schedule blossoms with events! This week, April 8-12, will include AP Biology Presentations for Orange, Greene, and Madison counties to be held Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., at the Taylor Education Administration Center in Orange.

Madison Senior Presentations will be held Thursday in the WMHS Library, from 12:30 to 3:00 PM. Talks will include information and visuals on their Senior project topics, research, internships, and community service.

On Friday, Goochland AP Biology students will venture out on the water for a field trip led by an environmental educator from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. The group will conduct water/organism tests, and learn about human impacts on the Bay.

Check our website weekly for upcoming happenings in “Events This Week at BRVGS.” More photos will be posted as activities occur throughout the next few months. The BRVGS Calendar on the right side of the website also provides a handy reference to scheduled events.