Rising Freshmen Introduced to BRVGS Program and Peers

Class of 2018 students attended BRVGS Orientation for new 9th graders held June 25th at Best Western Zion Crossroads. Coursework, expectations, field trips, and summer assignments, were discussed. Students also engaged in self assessments, peer introductions, and cooperative group problem-solving activities. Over 90 of the 131 students enrolled participated in the day-long event. A short parent information session was conducted at the end of the day.

Students were given take-home information in folders. Summer work will be mailed home the first week in July to all students who were unable to attend Orientation, and Parent Packets will also go to those who requested them.

Summer readings and assignments can be accessed online at goo.gl/rscay. Please note that students are required to read and answer questions only for the prologue and first two chapters of Guns, Germs and Steel for their summer work, along with the article and "Tools of the Historian" terms included in the packet. Students are not required to read the entire Guns, Germs and Steel book.