Are you interested in a stimulating experience for spring or summer? Want to connect with mentors in your areas of interest? Want to work alongside professors and research assistants in university labs? Learn Chinese? Applications to these, and other opportunities, are open to BRVGS students, and many of the programs are free. Check out the offerings below, and click on the links for more information about each one. Additional programs will be listed here as they become available.
Expanding Your Horizons
James Madison University
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) is a free one-day conference aimed at girls in grades 7-10. The conference is designed to stimulate interest in math and science, provide female scientist role models, and foster awareness of math and science-related career opportunities.
Expanding Your Horizons
James Madison University
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) is a free one-day conference aimed at girls in grades 7-10. The conference is designed to stimulate interest in math and science, provide female scientist role models, and foster awareness of math and science-related career opportunities.
Expanding Your Horizons
The Chinese Language and Culture Immersion Program
University of Virginia
July 24 - July 3, 2013
Charlottesville-area high school students are invited to apply to a free Chinese language immersion program at the University of Virginia this summer. The program is open to rising ninth- through 12th-grade students.
The Chinese Language and Culture Immersion
University of Virginia
July 24 - July 3, 2013
Charlottesville-area high school students are invited to apply to a free Chinese language immersion program at the University of Virginia this summer. The program is open to rising ninth- through 12th-grade students.
The Chinese Language and Culture Immersion
Science, Technology, and Engineering Research Program at UVA
June 24 - August 2, 2013 (tentative)
The University of Virginia is offering a six-week program intended for rising high school seniors interested in performing research in science and engineering labs.
HooS-STER: Science, Technology, and Engineering Research
Science, Technology, and Engineering Research Program at UVA
June 24 - August 2, 2013 (tentative)
The University of Virginia is offering a six-week program intended for rising high school seniors interested in performing research in science and engineering labs.
HooS-STER: Science, Technology, and Engineering Research