Please vote in the BRVGS "Museum Madness" contest!

As a conclusion to the BRVGS 9th grade 1st semester World History "virtual museum" website project, we have been conducting a "Museum Madness" contest for the sites produced by our students. The first two rounds of voting by BRVGS students have determined two finalists. We are holding public voting (as well as BRVGS student and staff voting) through the holidays to determine a winner, and invite you to cast your votes.  

To see the two finalist sites and to cast your vote, please click on the BRVGS "Museum Madness" Public Voting Form 

The final winner will be determined by combined total scores from both the BRVGS voting AND public voting.  The classes of the winning site will receive a pizza or doughnut party (their choice).  Winners will be announced on January 8th, when everyone is back in school.  ALL voting must be completed by January 7th.

To see all of the amazing "virtual museum" sites, please click on: BRVGS Virtual Museum Site Links.  We are very proud of all of our students' efforts on their first big BRVGS project.  Thanks for voting, and we wish everyone a happy holiday!  

BRVGS Students Lead Outside the Classroom

On November 25th over 100 equestrians came together to join the Bull Run Hunt (Mitchells, Va) in their annual Junior Meet, where young riders are “given the reins” to lead the foxhunt.  This year, out of all the juniors present, three were chosen to lead the groups of riders called “flights”.  All three just so happen to be BRVGS students as well as accomplished equestrians! Autumn Rogers (OCHS 2018), Newlin Humphrey (FCHS 2018), and Nika Ackenbom (FCHS 2021).


From Newlin Humphrey:

It was a huge honor to lead first flight at the Bull Run Hunt Junior Meet. Though I have hunted before, I learned so much more about fox hunting and got to see some of Virginia's most beautiful land along the way. The meet was fantastic and I think everyone who came had a blast. I was thrilled to see so many juniors out and it gives me hope that the tradition of fox hunting will continue into the future. Bull Run is a wonderful group of people and it was also an honor to represent the club at Warrenton Horse Show in the hunt teams and hunt pairs classes as well as at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show.

Balancing riding, FFA, 4-H, IEA, music, and school can be very difficult at times but the tactic that has helped me the most has been prioritizing what I need to do and staying focused. BRVGS has taught me how to stay on top of all of my schoolwork all while still being able to put forth 110% into my other activities.


From Autumn Rogers:

I have had to balance my schoolwork with my riding. It's not easy! Horses take up a good 2-3 hours per day. In order to complete all of my school work, I have to use each minute of my day wisely. I use my lunch as a study hall and work instead of socializing to give me free time to ride.

Today I am able to ride almost anything. I even have a Southwest Spanish Mustang that I have trained to perform many tasks such as fox hunting, a traditional horseback sport, originating from Europe. I am a member of the Bull Run Hunt Club. This past weekend was the annual Junior Meet, where children under 18 are allowed to take charge of their group, ask questions, and ultimately learn to love the sport. The adults chose a responsible junior member to lead alongside the normal staff for each flight. I got to lead 2nd flight, a group that is able to walk, trot, and canter but no jumping. 2nd flight is slower than 1st but also faster than 3rd.

In September and October of each year, there are horse shows that recognize and test the skills of each hunt club. This year I was fortunate enough to be asked to represent Bull Run Hunt and  compete in the National Horse Show’s Hunt Night in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It was nerve-racking but I was super excited. I worked for weeks to prepare! I rode in the “35 and Under” class. I was one of the youngest riders there. I went in the ring determined not to embarrass myself or my hunt club. My course was not perfect but it was consistent and pleasant. I won my class and because of the win, I was also awarded “Leading Lady Rider”. With the points I had earned added to the points my team had won, Bull Run Hunt was reserve champion for the night.



BRVGS Students Complete 1st-ever Uva Health Care Course

Sixteen BRVGS students were the first ever to enroll in a new online course, "Explorations in Health Care," that was offered to BRVGS by the University of Virginia.  Students learned about the requirements of different health care professions, as well as about the legal and political factors affecting the delivery of health care in the United States.

As a culmination to the course, students toured UVa Hospital and presented their final projects on various health care professions at UVa on Friday, December 1st.  We are very proud of these students for embarking on a new course and for completing with strong presentations!  BRVGS plans to offer this course again to juniors and seniors in the 2018-19 school year.  

AP Biology Students from William Monroe Visit UVa Chemistry Lab

William Monroe AP Bio class visited UVa Chemistry lab and got a closeup look at an ongoing project to create a portable, easy-to-use DNA typing machine.  The project is a joint effort between UVa and the US Dept of Defense, and involves collaboration of biochemists and engineers.  Students were able to talk directly with researchers and to see the prototypes of equipment being printed with 3D printers in the lab.  

Celebrating Halloween and History in Greene County

Amelia Puchino, a student in Ms. Holly Newman's BRVGS Greene Senior Internship class is volunteering with the Albemarle Historical Society and assisting in the annual Spirit Walk, where she is guiding tours, organizing costumes, and aiding actors.  You can check out the Spirit Walk in Charlottesville on Friday Oct 27 at the Maplewood Cemetary and Saturday, Oct 28 at Court Square Cemetery from 6-8:30.  She is also designing a tour of the Stanardsville Cemetary for her legacy.  Amelia is interning this year with an archeologist at James Monroe's Ashlawn-Highland and crafting a 10-15 page research paper on how Presidential historic homes should adapt their interpretation (tours) based on recent archaeological findings.  Amelia says, "I hope that it makes people more interested in their local history--we always get the big picture, but we don't really know much about our hometowns."  Great job, Amelia.