BRVGS Students Win "Women In Technology" Awards

BRVGS is proud to note that two of our students have been recognized as "Rising Stars" in technology by the Virginia affiliate of the National Council For Women In Technology (NCWIT).  Mackenzie Fain of Fluvanna County and Miryam Reid of Greene County were notified of their awards this week, and have been invited to attend the NCWIT award presentations in Blacksburg in March. 

NCWIT describes its "Aspirations in Computing" program, through which these awards are issued, as "...provid(ing) technical girls and women with ongoing engagement, visibility, and encouragement for their computing-related interests and achievements from high school through college and into the workforce."  To learn more about NCWIT, please go to:

Congratulations to Mackenzie and Miryam for this outstanding accomplishment! 


BRVGS Seniors Create Podcast

Three BRVGS seniors from Louisa County High School have participated in an international podcast project called "Nevertheless," which focuses on technology, women in STEM and education.  Nevertheless, which is produced by Pearson, is described as "...a series (that) celebrates women both inside and outside of Pearson who are using technology to transform teaching and learning and improve outcomes for students."

As part of their BRVGS senior internship projects, Sophie Ashburn, Ethan LaBelle and Justin Mundie wrote and recorded a scenario about a nuclear meltdown as one scene in a 3-part podcast published this week.  Producers of the series were impresssed and appreciative of the efforts of all three of these students. 

The episode can be heard by going to  BRVGS is proud of the work and effortss reat work by these students!  

Madison BRVGS Students Host Holiday Music Night

As part of their BRVGS senior community service work, two BRVGS students at Madison County High School have organized a Holiday Music Night as a fundraiser for a family in need of assistance with medical bills.  Olivia Young and Grace Eberhardt are working to put together a fantastic community show that will feature a number of different performers from the area.

The Holiday Music Night will be held at Madison County High School on Saturday, December 15th, and will run from 4:00 to 8:00 PM.  Admission is $5.00 at the door, and additional donations will be accepted. 

This will be a great opportunity to enjoy the music of the holiday season while supporting someone in need.  Please contact BRVGS Director Marc Carraway at for any questions regarding the event.  

BRVGS Model UN Survey

BRVGS is hoping to take a team of student delegates to the Model United Nations Conference hosted by Trinity Episcopal School in Richmond, Virginia, from 5:00 PM on Friday, February 22nd until 5:00 Saturday, February 23rd. If enough students are interested, BRVGS will make the effort to have the trip approved and to arrange and pay for registration, transportation and lodging for Friday night. 

Students who definitely wish to take part in the Model Un Conference should discuss the logistics with their parent(s) and then respond to the BRVGS Model UN Interest Survey found at:

Please contact BRVGS Director Marc Carraway at with any questions on this.  

Fully Involved 5K on December 8th

BRVGS/Madison County Senior Alex Kreh is working hard to make good things happen for people with cancer.  His senior project is about cancer prevention for those who work in fire services, and his community service will include hosting of the "Fully Involved 5K" at 10:00 AM on Saturday, December 8th at the Hoover Ridge Park in Madison. Proceeds from the 5K will go to help the Emily Couric Center's "Flourish Boutique," which provides wigs and other support materials to those with cance.  

You can see more details by clicking on "Fully Involved Flyer", and participants can sign up for the race by going to:  We hope to see lots of participants out there for this great cause!