BRVGS Senior Launches "Us, Now" Podcast

Ginny Helmandollar, a BRVGS senior at Louisa County High School, has launched her own podcasts on Spotify, for the purpose of exploring a range of current and pressing issues for high school students. 

Her first podcast, on "Student Burnout," features a discussion with high school students, teachers and counselors on the issue of student burnout and strategies to think about and deal with this very real issue.  BRVGS students and others can find some valuable insights and information in the discussion. 

Ginny's podcast series can be reached by clicking on Us, Now Podcast.  

BRVGS Senior Hosts Stretching Class

As part of her BRVGS Senior Project on physical therapy, Fluvanna senior Margarette Wentz will be teaming with two physical therapists from Spectrum Physical Therapy to offer a free stretching class this coming Saturday (Sept. 28) at Fluvanna County High School. The stretching class will last from 10:00am to 11:00 am. Complimentary injury screenings will follow the class. The whole event will last from 10:00 am to 2:00.  For more information, please click on the Fluvanna Stretching Class Flyer.  

BRVGS Grad Has A Big Adventure In Store!

Blue Ridge Governor's School / Nelson County High School graduate Sinead Nardi-White (class of 2019) has an exciting year ahead of her this year.  Sinead made the decision to take a "gap year" and to give her time and energy to help others.  She will do that by working as a carpenter's apprentice and English teacher in Senegal, Africa, through a program called Global Citizen Year.  Sinead, who spent a semester as a United States Senate Page while in high school, began her adventure on August 25th and will be in Senegal for 8 months.  To read more about Sinead's trip, please click on  We at BRVGS are very proud of Sinead!  


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We hope that everyone is having a great start to their 2019-20 school year.  Now that all our member schools are back in session, we would like to offer a Back To School Website by clicking here.  This will provide information about the upcoming school year, future courses BRVGS hopes to offer, introduce you to the administrative team at BRVGS, and much more.  We hope that this school year offers your student a challenge that inspires them to do great things!



Buy a BRVGS T-Shirt for only $10 - Deadline August 30th

For the first time, BRVGS is offering the opportunity to buy a BRVGS t-shirt for $10.  Click Here for the T-Shirt Order Form.  


We are also offering magnets for your car for $1.50.  Click Here for the Magnet Order Form. 


Important Information:

  • Payment - All orders need to be paid for online.  These items are offered at cost.  

  • Deadline for orders is August 30th - no late orders accepted. 

  • Delivery - Your items will be delivered to the student’s school a couple weeks after the deadline, so you MUST make sure to put GRADE LEVEL and HIGH SCHOOL NAME on the form in the NOTES section. This will let us know where to deliver the items you ordered. 


Please email Kristi Bunovich at with any questions.