BRVGS Loaner Laptop & HOTSPOT Program
BRVGS has laptops and Mifi mobile hotspots that are AVAILABLE for student checkout. In order to be eligible to check out BRVGS Equipment, students must meet the following criteria:
Student must be in good standing with teacher/supervisor in terms of being on task during all available class time to complete assignments but is still in need of some additional time on a computer at home or while away from school.
Student has notified teacher that they would like to request a loaner laptop and/or MiFi mobile hotspot.
Student has submitted the BRVGS Technology Hardware Loan Request Form at least 2 days in advance of desired check out time (a week is encouraged in order to secure a laptop and MiFi mobile hotspot).
Student has read, printed, had a Parent/Guardian sign, and returned the BRVGS Technology Hardware Loan Agreement to teacher/supervisor.
If there are any questions please contact Mrs. Outten.