BRVGS AP Biology students for the 2022-23 school year,
We hope that you are all enjoying summer so far. We wanted to send out the summer work that will need to be completed for BRVGS prior to the start of the 2022-23 school year. The assignment is due no later than 4:00 PM of the first Friday of your return to the school. This assignment will be worth a significant grade, so it will be important for you to complete this as per the directions and in a timely fashion.
The requirements for the assignment can be found by clicking on this link - AP Biology Summer Work assignment. Please contact your teacher via the email below if you have questions or concerns about the assignment. Please also copy the BRVGS admin team at on that email as well.
Fluvanna - Mr. Craig Conner - email - DUE DATE Friday August 12th at 4:00pm
Louisa - Ms. Kathy Richardson - email - DUE DATE Friday August 12th at 4:00pm
Nelson - Mr. Lucas Hauschner - email - DUE DATE Friday August 12th at 4:00pm
Orange - Ms. Megan Ellis Deviese - email - DUE DATE Friday August 12th at 4:00pm
Madison - Mr. Blake Mille - email - DUE DATE Friday August 19th at 4:00pm
Greene - Ms. Kirsten Dexter - email - DUE DATE Friday August 19th at 4:00pm
Goochland - Mrs. Elizabeth Alford - email - DUE DATE Friday August 26th at 4:00pm
Have a great summer!
The BRVGS Admin Team and AP Biology Faculty