Blue Ridge Virtual Governor’s School is teeming with activity mid-semester, and blends it’s virtual aspects with hands-on experiences as students engage in a variety of field trips across grade levels. Freshmen recently learned about and utilized many resources for research available to them at the university level. On October 15th and 18th, they visited the University of Virginia campus to do research on their first-semester World History projects in Clemons Library.

BRVGS Juniors spent October 24th on the Charlottesville Tech Tour, a local event to introduce area students to the dynamic high technology world that exists in the Charlottesville/Albemarle County metro region. Sponsored by the Charlottesville Business Innovation Council, this day-long technology tour is aimed at exposing students to the challenging and diverse career possibilities offered by the regional technology community. Students traveled to selected companies for a hands-on visit to meet employees and experience the use of technology in unique and specialized operations.

BRVGS Advanced Placement Biology students are paddling area rivers to experience their connection to the Chesapeake Bay. They discover the relationships between land-use practices and Bay tributaries, learn about human impact on water quality and plant/animal life, and view themselves as part of the solution to Bay problems. Staff members of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation guide students in observations, collection and analysis of data on the rivers, and synthesis of information gained during field trips. Fall trips were scheduled for Madison on October 25th, Greene on October 28th, and Fluvanna on October 29th. Spring trips are planned for those counties not listed.